Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to
Inception | 1828 |
Official name | Abuja |
Native label | Abuja |
Demonym | Abujanais, Abujanaise |
Country | Nigeria |
Capital of | Nigeria, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Municipal |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Federal Capital Territory |
Located in time zone | UTC+01:00 |
Coordinate location | 9°3′20″N 7°29′29″E |
Member of | World Tourism Cities Federation |
Twinned administrative body | Brasília |
Official website | https://fcta.gov.ng/ |
Time of earliest written record | 1700 |
Category for the view of the item | Category:Views of Abuja |
Abuja (/əˈbuːdʒə/)[1] yaa Nigeria tẽn-kãseng la tẽn-soab a nii soaba.[2] A bee tẽnga kɩrengẽ sẽn be Federal Capital Territory(FCT), a yaa tẽn-tẽng b sẽn na n me yʋʋm 1980 wã sẽn tik International Planning Associates (IPA) sẽn yaa America tẽn-tẽnga siglg a tãab sẽn sigl n na n sigl la b maan rotã. Yaa Zapõ tẽn-tʋʋmd a Kenzo Tange n naan Abuja tẽn-tẽnga.[3][4] A waa n ledga Lagos sẽn yaa tẽn-kãnga tẽn-kãnga sẽn tar neb wʋsg n yɩɩdã, n lebg tẽn-kãnga tẽnga na-tẽnga yʋʋmd 1991 sigr kiuug rasem 12.[5][6][7]
[tekre | teke sidgem]- ↑ http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/abuja's
- ↑ https://www.britannica.com/place/Abuja-national-capital-Nigeria
- ↑ https://www.premiumtimesng.com/features-and-interviews/509441-abuja-at-46-the-dreams-strides-challenges.html
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20220226000031/https://amlsnconference.org/the-nigeria-capital-city/
- ↑ https://en.tangeweb.com/works/works_no-66/
- ↑ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6355269.stm
- ↑ https://titel.jp/en