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Naana Eyiah Quansah

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Naana Eyiah Quansah
Sex or genderfemale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Name in native languageNaana Eyiah Quansah Tekre
Given nameNaana Tekre
Family nameQuansah Tekre
Date of birth14 Wao-fugdg kiuugu 1963 Tekre
Zĩ-ninga o rogeGomoa Central District Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish, Fante Tekre
Occupationpolitician, accountant Tekre
Position heldDeputy Minister for Lands, Member of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atMacquarie Business School Tekre
ResidenceCentral Region Tekre
Work locationGomoa Central District Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Candidacy in election2016 Ghanaian general election, 2020 Ghanaian general election Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre

A Naana Eyiah Quansah yaa Ghana politik soab la NPP sullã ned a ye. A yaa Gomoa Central Constituency wã sullã ned sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka. A yaa tẽnga nin-sabls sull yel-gɛt a ye.

A yel-manesem, A Quansah roga sigr kiuug rasem 14 yʋʋm 1963 la a yita Gomoa Lome sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka. A paama diplome tʋʋm-noy zãab wɛɛngẽ yʋʋm 2017 soabã.

Tʋʋmde A Quansah ra yaa Naaba Company Limited taoor soaba.

Politiki A Quansah yaa New Patriotic Party wã ned a ye.[9]A ra yaa tẽn-gãongã la bõn-vɩɩs nins sẽn be tẽngã pʋgẽ wã yel-gɛt a to.

yʋʋm 2016 wã Yʋʋmd 2016 wã, a paama sɛba 14,178 n paam 51.6% ne b sẽn kõ wã, tɩ NDC wã taoor soab a Rachel Florence Appoh paam 12.858 n paam 46.8% ne b sẽn kõ wã, CPP taoor soab a Emmanuel Appoh Mensah paam 280 n paam 1.0% ne b sẽn kõ wã, la PPP taoor soab a Grace Ignophia Appiah paam 174 n paam 0.6% ne b sẽn kõ wã.

yʋʋm 2020 wã Yʋʋmd 2020 Ghana nin-buiidã yãkr sasa, a paama zĩ-kãnga ne koees 20.527, sẽn yaa koees 56.81% sẽn paam-b fãa, tɩ NDC tẽnga taoor soab Jonamoah Moses Jehu-Appiah paam koees 14.568, sẽn yaa koees 42.32% sẽn paam-b fãa, GUM tẽnga taoor soab a Hannah Chrissam paam-a-la koees 561, sẽn yaa koees 1.6% sẽn paam-b fãa, la tẽnga taoor soab a Frank Otchere Painstil paam-a-la koees 476, sẽn yaa koees 1.3% sẽn paam-b fãa. Komite rãmb A Quansah yaa goosneerã sull sull ning sẽn get bãaga yell la a yaa laafɩ wã sullã sullã ned me.

A yel-manesem sɩngre

[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Quansah roga sigr kiuug rasem 14 yʋʋm 1963 la a yita Gomoa Lome sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka. A paama diplome tʋʋm-noy zãab wɛɛngẽ yʋʋm 2017 soabã.[1]


[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Quansah ra yaa Naaba Company Limited taoor soaba.[2]


[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Quansah yaa New Patriotic Party wã ned a ye.[3]A ra yaa tẽn-gãongã la bõn-vɩɩs nins sẽn be tẽngã pʋgẽ wã yel-gɛt a to.[4][5]

yʋʋm 2016 wã

[tekre | teke sidgem]

Yʋʋmd 2016 wã, a paama sɛba 14,178 n paam 51.6% ne b sẽn kõ wã, tɩ NDC wã taoor soab a Rachel Florence Appoh paam 12.858 n paam 46.8% ne b sẽn kõ wã, CPP taoor soab a Emmanuel Appoh Mensah paam 280 n paam 1.0% ne b sẽn kõ wã, la PPP taoor soab a Grace Ignophia Appiah paam 174 n paam 0.6% ne b sẽn kõ wã.[6][6]

yʋʋm 2020 wã

[tekre | teke sidgem]

Yʋʋmd 2020 Ghana nin-buiidã yãkr sasa, a paama zĩ-kãnga ne koees 20.527, sẽn yaa koees 56.81% sẽn paam-b fãa, tɩ NDC tẽnga taoor soab Jonamoah Moses Jehu-Appiah paam koees 14.568, sẽn yaa koees 42.32% sẽn paam-b fãa, GUM tẽnga taoor soab a Hannah Chrissam paam-a-la koees 561, sẽn yaa koees 1.6% sẽn paam-b fãa, la tẽnga taoor soab a Frank Otchere Painstil paam-a-la koees 476, sẽn yaa koees 1.3% sẽn paam-b fãa.[7]

Komite rãmb

[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Quansah yaa goosneerã sull sull ning sẽn get bãaga yell la a yaa laafɩ wã sullã sullã ned me.[8][8]

A meng yel-manesem

[tekre | teke sidgem]
  • A Quansah wilgame t'a yaa kiris-ned sẽn kẽ kãadem la sẽn tar biig a ye.[9]
  • B sẽn maand bũmb ninsãYʋʋmd 2019 tʋʋl-nif kiuugã, a kõo fut teedã, rɩɩbã la rãamã pagb sẽn yɩɩd 300 a sullã pʋgẽ.[10]
  • Yʋʋmd 2020 sigr kiuugã, a kõo logtoɛɛmb la tʋʋm-teed logtoɛɛmb sẽn be Gomoa Central Constituency.[11]
  • Yʋʋmd 2022 tʋʋl-nif kiuugã pʋgẽ, a kõo karen-biis 120 sẽn paam karẽn-biis nins sẽn da kẽed karẽn-bi-bɩɩslekollã.[12][13]


[tekre | teke sidgem]
  1. https://ghanamps.com/mp/naana-eyiah-quansah/
  2. https://www.parliament.gh/mps?mp=26
  3. https://citifmonline.com/2016/10/npps-gomoa-central-candidate-cant-unseat-appoh-dce/
  4. https://www.adomonline.com/central-region-gets-six-women-parliamentarians/
  5. https://www.myjoyonline.com/deputy-minister-of-lands-and-natural-resources-breaks-ground-for-6-unit-classroom-block/
  6. 6.0 6.1 http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2016/parliament/central/gomoa_central/
  7. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2020/parliament/central/gomoa_central/
  8. 8.0 8.1 https://www.parliament.gh/mps?mp=26
  9. http://www.ghanamps.com/mps/details.php?id=5375
  10. https://www.thepublisheronline.com/mothers-day-gomoa-central-mp-celebrates-mothers-in-grand-style/
  11. https://www.thepublisheronline.com/mothers-day-gomoa-central-mp-celebrates-mothers-in-grand-style/
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20221202163916/https://ghanaonlinenews.com/deputy-interior-minister-supports-120-needy-students-in-gomoa-central-2/
  13. http://www.ghanadistricts.com/Home/ReaderDistrict/6426ed9-5218-4c73-a4