Procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges
Inception | 1291 |
Country | Belgium |
Location | Bruges |
Country of origin | Belgium |
Day in year for periodic occurrence | Feast of the Ascension |
Day of week | Thursday |
Intangible cultural heritage status | Inventaris Vlaanderen van het Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed, Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity |
Described at URL |,,, |
Month of the year | May |
Sõngã sẽn yaa sõma wã sẽn maandẽ (Dutch: Heilig Bloedprocessie, Frans: Procession du Saint-Sang) yaa tũudum Katolik rãmbã sẽn maandẽ wʋsg sẽn sɩng ne yʋʋm kob-gĩnd-rãmbã, n maandẽ yʋʋmd fãa, sẽn yaa tãag tãag tãas-kãnga. Yʋʋmd 2009 wã, b kẽes-a-la UNESCO sẽn get bũmb nins sẽn pa tar yõod ne ninsaalbã.
[tekre | teke sidgem]Yaa wa b sẽn maan tɩ zɩɩm sõngã maandẽ wã yaa tʋʋm-no-kãsenga sẽn na n yɩ tẽngre, yʋʋm kob-gĩnd 13 soabã saabẽ. Yʋʋmd 1303 wã, sã n pa pĩndã, b ra tara zɩɩm sẽn yaa sõngã n na n tɩ yɩ tẽngã koglgã pʋga, la b maana woto yʋʋmd 1297 wã. [1] B sẽn maan woto wã tẽegda tẽnga fãagre, sẽn yaa tẽnga nin-buiidã a Jan Breydel ne a Pieter de Coninck sẽn maan yʋʋmd 2015 kiuugã. A maanda a Zezi waoogr daarã, sẽn yaa tũudum yɛl-kãseng a yembr sẽn maand Bɛlg tẽngã pʋgẽ wã. Tẽngã neb maanda pĩnd wẽndẽ no-rɛɛsã waoongã sẽn yɩ to-to wã, la b maandẽ bũmb nins sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã. Yaa a Jeu du Saint-Sang sẽn maand yʋʋm a nu fãa.[2] Neb tus a yoob n ta koabg sẽn yit be wã gesa b sẽn maandã, tɩ b yãendẽ bũmb nins sẽn zĩnd pĩnd wẽndẽ wã la Biiblã kibarã. Bãndbã, yɩɩl sullã (b sẽn boond tɩ Aglaja), rũmsã (b sɩng ne gɛɛs n ta rãamse), wed-rãmb sẽn talld b koomã, la yɩɩl-dãmb sẽn tar rolb wʋsg sẽn maand yɩɩl-kãens fãa loogda sẽk sẽk pʋgẽ.
A Zezi zɩɩm sẽn tar yõodã sẽn be a Zezi zugã yaa bũmb ning sẽn be a zugã. B yeelame tɩ a Zozɛf sẽn be Arimatɩ wã yẽesa zɩɩm sẽn da be a Zezi zugã, la a zãa a nengã neere. La b sã n da tagsd woto, b yetame tɩ yʋʋmd 1204 soabã, b sẽn wa n zab Constantinople wã poore, b yãka a Baldwin sẽn yaa Flandri wã naaba, n tʋm a sẽn paam n paoog a nin-buiidã Flandri. A kom-pugli a yiibu da be Brüksel. Yaa yʋʋmd 1256 la b yãt-a pipi Biiblã pʋgẽ.[3]
Yʋʋmd 2015 wã, b basa sorã, la b ra pa na n sɩng-a ye. Yʋʋmd 2020 wã, b basa a tʋʋmdã COVID-19 bãaga yĩnga. [4]
B sẽn wa n maand piligr
[tekre | teke sidgem]Neb sẽn yɩɩd 3,000 n be Bruges n na n zĩnd ne-a, la b boond-a me tɩ "Brugges Schoonste Dag" (Nedɛrlẽ wã sẽn dat n yeel tɩ "Broges rasem a taab sẽn yaa sõma n yɩɩdã"). Neb nins sẽn da be Brüksɛllã ra nong n manegda b yagensã ne tẽngã la tẽn-tẽngã farb. Yaa bũmb sẽn ket n yaa bũmb sẽn yaa bũmb ning sẽn yaa bũmb sẽn pa wõnd a taabã. Yʋʋmd fãa, bĩisopã ne goobneerã boondda neb sẽn yaa maan-kʋʋdb n wa tɩ be beẽ. Neb nins sẽn da wa n be wã sʋka, yaa Krakow arzɛkre, kardinal Wojtyła, yʋʋmd 1973, la kardinal Wiseman yʋʋmd 1849. Bĩisop wʋsg, maan-kʋʋdb la nuns sẽn yit dũniyã gill zugã wa n na n maan woto. Sa-kãsengã pʋgẽ, b maanda maan-kʋʋdbã maand daar fãa, la wĩntoogã poore, b maand-b-la maand a woto. Tũudum dãmbã zãad-b lame, tɩ saam-biisã gũbg-b lame. Sã n wa yaa ne Sɩɩg-sõng sẽn da beẽ wã, nebã fãa sĩndame. Yʋʋmd 2009 wã, b talla bõn-kãng UNESCO sẽn yã tɩ b be tẽngã sẽn yaa nin-buiidã nin-buiidã paoong sẽn pa tar b yĩng zugẽ wã pʋgẽ. [5]
Galeri wã
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The conopeum, solemnly carried during the procession
Representation of the Virgin Mary during the procession, May 2010
The history of the relic is performed for thousands.
Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya on the official viewing stand
Mgr De Kesel receives his high guests.
Other relics are carried in the procession.
Saint Donatus of Reims, patron of the diocese
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