Seto leeto
Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to
Seto leeto
Subclass of | music of Estonia, runo song, polyphony |
Country of origin | Estonia |
Intangible cultural heritage status | Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity |
Described at URL |,, |
Seto leeto yaa Setos nebã yɩɩl sẽn yaa b sẽn boond tɩ polyphonic style.[1]
Yʋʋmd 2009 wã, b talla a Seto leelo wã UNESCO sẽn pʋɩt-a tɩ b lebg nin-buiidã sẽn pa tar b sẽn tõe n yã bũmb ninsã. [1] Seto Naoor wʋsgo, pagb n maand a Seto leelo wã,[1] la b yeelgd-a-la ne fu-vɩɩs sẽn yaa toor-toorã.[2] Tẽeg-kãng sasa, b kõ-a-la "Maam-bi-la" yʋʋr sẽn boond t'a "Sãoongã ma".[1]
[tekre | teke sidgem]- Setusongs: B ra gʋlsa a Värska und Obinitsa yʋʋmd 1990 wã. CD sẽn yit Global Music Centre la Mipu Music (MIPUCD 104)
Sõndb sẽn be
[tekre | teke sidgem]Sõng-y n bãng-y n paase
[tekre | teke sidgem]- Lauri Honko: The Maiden's Death Song & The Great Wedding. Anne Vabarna's oral twin epic written down by A. O. Väisänen. (FF Communications, 281) Academia Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 2003
- Ingrid Rüütel: Die Schichten des Volkslieds der Setukesen und ihre ethnokulturellen Hintergründe. In: Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 49 (1988), Volume 2, pp 85–128
- Leea Virtanen: Die Liedertradition der setukesischen Frauen. In: Folklorica. Festschrift for Felix J. Oinas. Bloomington, Indiana 1988 (= Indiana University, Uralic and Altaic Series 141), pp 307–325