Yãk-y n kẽng y sẽn tarã nengẽ

Isaac Adjei Mensah

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Isaac Adjei Mensah
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Given nameIsaac Tekre
Date of birth26 Tuulg kiuugu 1963 Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician, consultant Tekre
Position heldMember of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atUniversity of Ghana, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway Tekre
ResidenceDompim Tekre
Member of political partyNational Democratic Congress Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre

A Isaac Adjei Mensah yaa Ghana politik soab la Ghana Republic a naase, a sẽn yaa Wassa East Constituency sen be Western region rɩtg sẽn be National Democratic Congress wã.

A vɩɩmã sɩngre

[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Isaac Adjei Mensah rogame tʋʋl-nif rasem 26 yʋʋm 1963 soabã. A yita Dompim Number 1, tẽng sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka. A kẽnga University of Ghana wã yʋʋmd 1988 la a paama a karẽn-bi-bɩɩs sẽn yaa sosiyoloji wã yʋʋmd 1991. Rẽ poore, a kẽng University of Tromsø, Norway yʋʋmd 1992 wã n tɩ karemd sɛb a yiib-n-soabã. A paama a MBA ne goosneer politik yʋʋm 1997.[1][2][3][4]


[tekre | teke sidgem]

Nand t'a kẽ politikã pʋgẽ, a Isaac ra yaa Newmont Ghana Limited tẽnga nin-buiidã tʋʋm taoor soab yʋʋm 2006 n tãag 2012.[1][3]


[tekre | teke sidgem]

A Isaac Adjei Mensah yaa A Isaac Adjei Mensah yaa National Democratic Congress (NDC) sullã ned a ye.[2]Yʋʋmd 2012 wã, a saka Wassa West sullã taoor dãmb sull la a tõoge. A le paama yãkr yʋʋmd 2016 wã n na n yɩ tẽnga taoor soaba. A zĩnda sull toor-toor pʋsẽ, tɩ kẽer yaa: Kareng sullã, Siglgã sullã sullã, la Siglgã sull ning sẽn get ligd yellã.[1][3]

A vɩɩmã

[tekre | teke sidgem]

A kẽe kãadem la a tara kamb a nu. A yaa kiris-ned la a yaa Pentecost wẽnd-doog neda.[1][2][3][4]


[tekre | teke sidgem]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Site bãnde: <ref> tag sẽn pa zems; b pa kõ sõsg n wilg sõss nins sẽn boond tɩ :0 ye
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://www.parliament.gh/mps?mp=261
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 https://mobile.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/republic/parliamentatian.php?ID=114
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://web.archive.org/web/20190427153816/https://ukgcc.com.gh/hon-isaac-adjei-mensah/